23 min read  · 


ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), ADHD ( Hyperactivity)


Why is ADD/ADHD gaining momentum with such rapidity and force? Do millions of children need to be medicated for behaviour that may be caused by diet or speedy nervous systems while in fact it might be normal childhood growth and behaviour for for the individual?  Teachers are overwhelmed by large class sizes, parents are busier than ever and our system has little patience for those children who can’t jump in and swim as fast as everyone else – maybe who swim faster.  Do these children need fixing?  Are they broken or just different?


Stressful issues – labelling the child:


“If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid” Albert Einstein.

At times when these “ problem children” are doing what they love doing, they can focus and sit non stop for hours playing a video game, chess, drawing, painting or daydreaming.

Some of them are geniuses, but they are not inspired to do the things they see as meaningless that their teachers or parents want them to do.  Here are just a few famous people who were classified as having ADD or ADHD:  Vincent can Gogh, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Mozart, Elvis Presley, Jack Nicholson and Bill Gates.  No matter how badly they did at school, they were very successful.  Most of our knowledge about the label is negative. They can be different, yes, but not faulty.  ADD/ADHD can be a blessing, since some have grown up to become great leaders artists or scientists, ADD is not necessarily a blessing or a curse.

Where there are signs of ADD, the opposite, attention surplus order (ASO) will also be present.  This is true for everyone, but these children seem to be more polarised.  Their genius will show in areas of their lives where they are extremely attentive and focused.


What interests you:


We are all focussed and disciplined in those areas of our lives that we are interested in, but may lose concentration and shut down in the areas we are not interested in.  For example, if you are sitting with friends and they are talking sport, a subject you are not interested in, you may begin to switch off and become bored and daydream.  If the conversation switches to relationships, your favourite subject, then you may become focused, present and participative.  Children in the classroom are no different.

So we all have varying degrees of ADD and ASO according to our interests and belief systems.  If something does not grab you, you may just switch off.  Teachers, counsellors, parents and specialists often mislabel children as learning disabled with out taking the time to discover how to unlock their potential in what interests and inspires them.  Wherever you are most talented, disciplined and focused and where you spend time, energy and money is where your natural talent lies.  Where you are unmotivated, procrastinate and hesitate shows what you are not interested in.  What you are interested in cannot be imposed upon you by your parents, teachers or society.  So we have to observe what makes a child tick.  How do they fill their time?  What are their dreams and goals?  That will indicate where they are teachable and what their talents are.  ADD children often show a pattern of doing well in one or two subjects and badly in all the others.  The art of teaching is the same as the art of selling, in that we have to “sell”  the love of learning to these children via their particular mindset and values.  The trick is to link their highest value, football for example, to the subjects in the classroom. This could involve linking mathematics to their favourite game, because in order to score from a free kick, all the angles have to be considered and weighed up.  So here is an effective way of helping boys study maths and geometry and wind resistance etc.

Most humans want to learn and grow. It is inherited in every human being, but they want to learn only what interests them.  Honour every child for who they are, as they are.  Take the time to look for their unique genius and help them to see it in themselves.  Perceived learning disorders you worry about today may well be the catalyst for the childs extraordinary achievements in the future.


Questioning, labelling and drugging


Psychiatrist disclosures – Ritalin – hidden dangers to children.


Ritalin decreases blood flow to the brain and routinely causes other gross malfunctions in the developing brain of the child, reveals Peter R. Breggin, MD and Director of the International Centre for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology  and its associate faculty at the Kohn Hopkins University Department of Counseling.


In his book, Talking Back to Ritalin ( Common Courage Press 1998),  Dr Breggin thoroughly documents the many scientific studies that have been ignored by Ritalin advocates.  Children are being exposed to a “ prescription epidemic”  of dangerous, addictive stimulant drugs such as Ritalin and others in the amphetamine family like Adderall, according to the psychiatrist, a leading critic of psycho pharmaceutical practices.


“Ritalin does not correct biochemical imbalances – it causes them,:  Dr Breggin says, adding that there is some evidence that it can cause permanent damage to the child’s brain and its function.  “ Pediatricians, parents and teachers are not aware of these hazards, because a large body of research demonstrating the ill effects of this drug has been ignored and suppressed to encourage the sale of the drug”,  Dr. Breggin stated.


Damaging effects of the drug can include:

  • Decreased blood flow to the brain, an effect recently shown to be caused by cocaine, where it is associated with impaired thinking ability and memory loss.
  • Permanent neurological tics, including Tourette’s Syndrome,
  • Addiction and abuse, including withdrawal reactions on a daily basis
  • Psychosis (mania), depression, insomnia, agitation and social withdrawal
  • Possibly shrinkage (atrophy) or other permanent physical abnormalities in the brain
  • Worsening of the very symptoms the drug is supposed to improve, including hyperactivity and inattention in some children
  • Decreased ability to learn


“Ritalin and other stimulants are currently prescribed to millions of children worldwide in the hope of improving their supposed hyperactivity inattention and impulsivity”, says Dr Breggin.  He presents evidence that these drugs “ work” by producing robotic or zombie-like behavior in children.  This enforced docility and obedience can produce a few weeks of subdued behavior but has no positive effect on academic achievements and no positive long term effects at all.  Contrary to claims by drug advocates, giving Ritalin to a child does not help to prevent future problems such as school failure or delinquency.  Ritalin’s lack of effectiveness has been proven by hundreds of studies but has not been revealed to doctors, teachers or parents.  “ parents, teachers and even doctors have been badly misled by drug company marketing practices and drug companies have targeted children as a big market likely to boost profits with children suffering as a result”, Dr. Breggin describes the principles necessary to empower parents to help their children with their behavioral and school problems, without resorting to drugs.  He does not believe that mind altering drugs are ever an appropriate approach to helping our children.  Instead, he urges adults to learn to identify and meet the individual needs of the children in their care.

Most children receiving Ritalin have been identified for treatment by those who have been misled by drug company and government promotional campaigns for Ritalin and other stimulants.  “ Educate – don’t medicate,” should be the motto of every parent of teacher who is tempted to resort to Ritalin,” says Dr. Breggin.



ADD/ADHD is a vast and complex subject.  It has spawned an entire industry which supports drugging children.  There are books written contesting the diagnosis or label and drugging:


  1. No more Ritalin by Dr. Mary Ann Black
  2. The Hyperactivity Book by Sydney Walker M.D.
  3. Toxic childhood by Sue Palmer
  4. The creators of ADHD or trial by Susan du Plessis and Dr Jan Strydom
  5. The ADD Nutrition Solution by Marcia Zimmerman
  6. Optimum Nutrition for your Childs Mind by Patrick Holford
  7. ADHD Alternatives by Aviva and Tracy Romm
  8. Allergy Prevention for Kids by Dr Lea Galland
  9. Talking back to Ritalin by Peter Breggin (psychiatrist)


Mental and emotional care:


One thing is for sure, these children are often in trouble with their teachers, classmates and perhaps parents.  I will explore many of these problems later.  EFT and Meridian tapping is a system which I use for children and their parents which reduces negative emotional stress which can overwhelm all the parties concerned.  Anxiety, low self esteem or poor motivation are often in the way of progress and can be eliminated using this technique. Coaching is a system which sets goals and destinations for people in their lives and I combine it with EFT to ensure that the child and his/her parents do not lose direction and motivation along the way.  The biggest drawback to natural healing is that it takes time, coaching/motivation and patience all round.  Ideally, the rest of those living in the home will also follow a chemical free diet and lifestyle, otherwise the ADD/ADHD child will feel victimised by a healthy eating and living program.  It is bad enough that their peers or others in their school live on sugar, dairy, wheat, gluten containing, chemical laden junk foods.  They need understanding and support at home from their families.  Because this is not an easy burden for a family, parents usually choose to go the easier chemical drugs route.  I design holistic programs for all those concerned so that the child is truly encouraged to progress to the best of their potential.   Imagine growing up thinking that you are ill, weird or dumb just because your body and mind are highly sensitive to our toxic environment, electromagnetic fields, toxic and sugary food supply and the vibrations of everything around you.


ADD/ADHD children:


Many kids labelled ADD or ADHD will outgrow the problems and liabilities associated with their fast nervous systems and go on to make good use of this natural quickness in their work and life.  Each child has a different way of relating to the world of learning and of growing.  The inconvenience to working parents, teachers and school staff, who are compelled to spend extra time helping these special kids channel that much energy is probably why so many kids are medicated with brain chemistry altering drugs.  Is society merely doing what is convenient by putting them on medication that may permanently damage these children.  I think we have to look beyond the brain chemistry of a child to the chemistry of the child’s entire life, including his or her relationships with parents, family, school, environment and community.  Over the years I have used herbal formulas, detoxification, dietary changes, emotional balancing and calming techniques (EFT) and supplementation to dramatically reduce the disorder leading to calmer, happier, more centred children.  What these children need most is our attention and love, in the form of both comfort (hugs) and guidance (discipline) and a lifestyle that is close to nature.

Emotional and behavioural problems are common among young children.  A quarter of todays children go to school on some kind of prescribed psychiatric drug.  The majority of these children are on Ritalin, the most commonly prescribed psychiatric drug for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  I believe that the drug is overprescribed, has undesired effects and can lead to a lifetime of addiction.  Other long term side effects are still emerging.  Due to the many potentially harmful side effects of medication, a growing number of parents are turning to a combination of dietary change, supplementation, herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy, counselling and stress reduction and the love and support of family, friends and teachers to reduce or even eliminate ADHD/ADD.


Facts about ADD


  • Many people with ADD are never hyperactive
  • This non-hyperactive group is often ignored as they don’t draw (negative) attention to themselves
  • Females with ADD are diagnosed 4-5 times less often than males
  • ADD is a serious societal problem
  • 35% never finish high school
  • 52% of untreated children and adults abuse drugs or alcohol
  • 19% smoke cigarettes (versus 10% of the general population)
  • 43% of untreated hyperactive boys will be arrested for crimes committed by 16 years of age
  • 50-75% of prison inmates have ADD
  • 75% have interpersonal problems
  • More motor vehicle accidents, license suspensions, etc. occur among ADD sufferers than in the general population
  • There are more medical visits among ADD sufferers than in the general population
  • The divorce rate of parents of ADD children is three times higher than that of the general population
  • ADD is found in every country where it is studied
  • Poor parenting or teaching can make ADD worse
  • ADD behaviour can make skilled teachers appear inept.


The harder many people with ADD try, the worse things get for them (the brain shuts down when they try to concentrate).  Many people never outgrow ADD.  Half of all children diagnosed with ADD will have disabling symptoms into adulthood.

Should stimulants be used as a last resort, as damaging as they are, they are not all that helpful anyway without a comprehensive approach, involving education, emotional support, exercise, nutrition, herbs and supplements.  Considering the risks to mind and body, the use of drugs should hardly ever be resorted to.



What is ADD?


The core symptoms are as follows:


Short attention span for regular, routine tasks.  This is the hallmark symptom of ADD.  Persons with ADD cannot sustain attention and effort over prolonged periods of time and their minds wander.  They get distracted,  but can pay attention to things that are new, stimulating or frightening.  ADD is often called “adrenalin deficit disorder”. People with ADD can focus where there is excitement, such as by being argumentative or undertaking risky stunts and if they are interested in something and find it stimulating.  The key is that ADD people have problems paying attention to regular everyday matters.


Distractibility.  This differs from a short attention span.  It is rather hypersensitivity to the environment.  Most of us block out unnecessary environmental stimuli, whereas people with ADD are often hypersensitive to sensory stimuli.  Distractibility is due to the underlying mechanism of ADD which is under activity in the pre-frontal cortex of the brain.  The prefrontal cortex sends inhibitory signals to other areas of the brain (parietal = environmental, limbic = emotional).

Sometimes supplemental magnesium glycinate can reduce or eliminate this problem altogether for some people.


Organisational problems (space and time).  People with ADD exhibit spatial disorganisation, with their rooms often being a disaster area.  They are also disorganised in terms of managing time, frequently lacking a long-term goal and living from crisis to crisis.


Difficulty with following through.  They lack staying power to see projects through to the end, and will undertake things only while there is intense interest.  This can affect school work, chores and home, work, finances and friendship.


Poor internal supervision.    Many people with ADD have poor internal supervision.  As the pre frontal cortex is heavily involved with forethought, planning, impulse control and decision making (in the absence of external direction),  they tend to be deficient in these areas.  The pre-frontal cortex also helps with problem solving and helps us to learn from our mistakes, so again people with ADD are weak in these domains.


How many squirms?


Ever increasing numbers of children have an inability to focus at school, a lack of concentration, learning disabilities, act out, are aggressive and have poor social skills.  It is estimated that between 30 and 70% of ADD/ADHD children will carry some symptoms into adulthood.  As adults the problem is with self regulation.  The condition can lead to marital conflicts, substance abuse, and financial problems.  Infidelity is common because ADD/ADHD adults easily become bored with things including spouses.

There has been much controversy over exactly how many symptoms a child must exhibit to warrant the diagnosis.  Over the decades the disorder has gone through at least 25 name changes and to a certain degree children are being used a guinea pigs for medication.  For diagnosis, these children must be rated on a scale from 0 (seldom) to 3 (very often) on a list of behaviours such as: daydreaming, pouts and sulks, is sassy, has feelings easily hurt and feels that everything must just be so.  So just how many fidgets and squirms are too many?  Thomas Armstrong, author of “The Myth of the A.D.D. Child” asks, would you want your psychiatric status to be determined by your teachers according to how much you squirm?  There are no diagnostic criteria for the condition that can be measured by brain scans or blood tests.  What exactly are the guidelines for measuring the frequency or intensity of the behaviours nor the degree of impairment caused by them.  Now the diagnosis is based on questionnaires and teachers opinions but there may be underlying physical causes for behavioural problems such as hyploglycemia, allergies, deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, enzymes etc., toxic bodies eg. excess lead in children whose school playgrounds border on highways or even glandular eg. thyroid disorders. While some of these children thrive on internet, facebook, play station and whats app, many improve tremendously when they are put on a media fast. They calm down when not subject to electronic stimulation.

An interesting point about Ritalin is that it is a form of speed. A speedy person is given a form of speed and that causes them to slow down. That is the medical industry using the principle of homeopathy—like cures like. That is even more reason to entertain homeopathy as a side effect free treatment modality.


Hartmans Hunters – another way of looking at the problem:

Thom Hartman postulates that there are two main human groups, the hunters and the farmers.  Hunters need the following physical and mental characteristics to be successful. They constantly monitor their environment.  The rustle in the bushes could be a lion or a snake or the animal that the hunter is stalking and could mean the difference between life and death.  They throw themselves totally into the hunt – time is elastic.  They are flexible and capable of changing strategy in an instant.  They need to act on a quick decision, whereas orderliness is not important.  They can throw an incredible burst of energy into the hunt, but don’t necessarily have staying power.  They think visually.

Hunters describe their actions in terms of pictures rather than words or feelings.  They love the hunt, but are easily bored by mundane tasks such as paperwork or cleaning the kill.  They will face danger that “normal” individuals would avoid.  They are hard on themselves and those around them.  When your life depends on split-second decisions, your frustration and impatience threshold will be low.  If you compare this list of classic ADD symptoms with the list f the characteristics of a good hunter you will see that they match almost perfectly, in other words, people with ADD are descendants of hunters.


Assessing ADD/ADHD causes:


Social factors:


Social situation:  Incidence of ADD is increasing in the population, which contributes to social problems such as dysfunctional parents, substance abuse, addictions, etc.  Women with ADD tend to have more children and at a younger age than women without ADD, resulting in more children with ADD.

Television and video games.  TV is a no brain activity, i.e. everything is provided for (sights, sounds, plots and entertainment) and the brain does not have to learn or make new connections.  Video games are a big problem in that many ADD children   literally become addicted to playing  them.  Video games bring pleasure and focus by increasing  dopamine release.  This leaves  fewer neurotransmitters available later to do schoolwork and homework.  Furthermore TV and video games have led to a decrease in the amount of physical exercise  (and therefore reduced bloodflow to the brain), another factor contributing to the increase in ADD.  Recent research suggests that watching too much TV with fast paced visual images may permanently rewire the brain and cause ADHD like symptoms, this is especially true in the first 2 or 3 years of life.

Structure at School:  The structure that we have in schools.  Children are very physical and we make them use their left brains all day long, even though they play and do sport.  Some children do not thrive in this system unless they are drugged up.  What does that say for our system?  Crowding them into classrooms is almost like imprisoning them. It is no wonder a number of children cannot stand it.  Some of these children may be suited to home schooling or other alternative education.  Put on farms they may learn from nature.  Why push them in into our school system that is crumbling and changing?   Are the school subjects valid?  Not really.  The way schools function is that they produce uniform children minus their individuality.


Biological factors:


Genetics:  A very high percentage of ADD is passed down genetically.  If one parent has ADD then 60%  of the couples’ children will potentially have it.  This figure rises to 85 – 90% if both parents have ADD or other mental/emotional problems.

In Utero problems:  A mother who smokes during pregnancy.   Problems during pregnancy especially during the third trimester eg. high blood pressure or problems during the delivery such as oxygen deprivation to the babies brain (hypoxia) can cause ADD/ADHD.


Toxic exposure:  Fetal exposure to drugs, alcohol and tobacco,  electromagnetic fields, lead, mercury, and hypoxia (lack of oxygen) can be predisposing factors.


Breastfeeding for prevention:  In a study of 526 children born in a Dutch Hospital, the incidence of neurological abnormalities at age 9 was significantly lower by 46% in those who had been breastfed, as opposed to those who had been bottle fed.  The results of that study raise the possibility that breastfeeding could reduce the incidence of ADHD.


Other medical problems: eg; thyroid disorders or other endocrine problems.  There may be underlying physical causes for behavioural problems such as lead poisoning or other medical problems and the medication being used to treat them. I have had children whose problem began in utero when the mother smoked or was exposed to heavy metals or toxins herself. Heavy metals also get into young bodies from foods or water or vaccinations. Any of these triggers may result in ADD/ADHD/Hyperactivity or autism in certain sensitive children:


Head injury:  One of the most common causes of ADD, besides genetics, is head injury, especially to the left front side of the brain (left prefrontal cortex).


Light, schools and EMF’s:

Lighting of the classroom – neon strip lights with their high flicker rates hype some people up.  TV light has a similar effect as well.  According to a review article, switching standard fluorescent bulbs to full spectrum fluorescent bulbs and taking measures to decrease x ray exposure from television sets may be beneficial for children with ADD/ADHD.   Some classrooms are made of toxic material.  Many schools have cell phone towers in the playing or sports fields. Many children carry cell phones and this has a detrimental effect on sensitive individuals.


Environment:  Additives, pesticides and preservatives  in food and drink.  Read labels for BHT, MSG, BHA, additives, colorants and preservatives like sodium benzoate.

Environmental pollutants like lead and other chemicals from petrol fumes, smog or smoke.  Home toxicity – new carpets, paint, new shelves, house hold cleaning agents and many other sources of damage to the body should be eliminated eg; chemicals in clothing and synthetic clothing as well as synthetic beds and bedding. Pesticides GMOs and roundup (weed killer/rat poison) in food. Eat organic food. Environmental pollutants like lead can come from petrol fumes.  Hyperactivity can be caused by an accumulation of heavy metals in the body.  The growing number of hyperactive children is a microcosmic reflection of the polluted world that we are creating.


Hormonal influences:   Symptoms are often worse during puberty and females may be worse premenstrually and at menopause.  Environmental endocrine disruptors can cause hormonal problems and even cancer.


Endocrine Disruption: 


Drug abuse:  can look like ADD/ADHD


Poor diet:   Sugar, preservatives, and colorants may be triggers.  Sugar is notorious for contributing to hyperactive behaviour in children who consume vast amounts of it in cool drinks, fruit juices and hidden in every second foodstuff. Food allergies and intolerance can cause behavioural reactions that can take hours or even days to manifest are caused by chemicals in our everyday foods. The consumption of wheat, carbohydrates and gluten causes huge problems in some people.  To pinpoint food intolerance, remove a suspected food from your child’s diet for 2-3 weeks and then reintroduce it while watching your childs behaviour and moods for the week thereafter. Eating too few vegetables can cause many deficiencies.  Read labels for BHT, BHA, MSG, hydrolysed vegetable protein, aspartame, splenda and preservatives like sodium benzoate can cause huge chemical problems in the body..  Diets high in simple carbohydrates (sugar, cake, biscuits, sweets, bread, wheat and gluten containing foods) and low in protein are deficient in nutrients and can cause digestive and blood sugar problems which make attention problems worse for most people, especially those with ADD/ADHD.


Lack of exercise:   Lack of exercise means reduced blood flow to the brain and no outlet for stress.  Some children may thrive doing competitive sports while others do best walking or doing very relaxing exercises like tai chi, qi gong or yoga.  Finding the right exercise group is helpful to motivate drawing the inactive child into physical activity.


The usual suspects 


Infections:  When dealing with any patient, I check a whole lot of physical factors out.  A lot of these children have had repeated ear infections.  They have had repeated courses of antibiotics and this may have killed off their probiotic bowel flora. They arrive at my rooms hard of hearing and with digestive problems as a result of all this. You cannot absorb nutrients without good bowel flora.

Gut flora: may need to be regenerated to enable the body to digest and use the herbs and supplements that will be used.

Candida or yeast overgrowth:  This can arise from all the antibiotics and has to be eliminated before trying to fix the bowel flora. A toxic gut poisons the entire body.

Worms and parasites:  These are quite common because we become infected by our pets or via our food.

Often a child is walking around with all these problems causing a lot of health problems.

Other common body problems:  Systemic inflammation – for whatever reason, this affects thinking and memory.  Sugar is a primary cause of inflammation.

Acidic system: – ph imbalance is involved with most disease. The pH both outside the cells and inside the cells is vital to health. Urine and saliva also can be checked. An acidic system is low in oxygen and this can lead to cancer or other serious problems.

Excess mucous:  Whether this is caused by germ infection or due to food intolerance to dairy, soya, wheat, gluten or many other foods, it needs to be taken care of naturally.


Adrenal Exhaustion:  Stress at home, sugar, chocolate, or stimulants like caffeine can cause this condition.  Trying to get someone in this condition to be calm and learn is nearly impossible.


Toxic teeth and infections –heavy metals like mercury or cadmium used in dentistry can cause irritability, depression, fatigue or lowered immunity and gut problems. Root canal treatments can cause autointoxication and should not be overlooked. I would rather lose the tooth than have it sit there poisoning the body. If this was a book, I would give many examples of the dangers of leaving a dead tooth in the mouth. Any dental problems ranging from tooth decay, to gum infections, cavitations, to mercury amalgams can have adverse effects on your health. Clean up the mouth is one of the golden rules to recovery.


Earthing: ( I have made many postings about this subject on facebook).  This is how to deal with the electro magnetic smog caused by TV’s, wi fi, cell phones and towers, power lines, computers, electronic games, power substations etc. As time goes by and the world grows more polluted, more and more people cannot handle EMF pollution and end up having to move to remote areas in order to survive.


Deficiencies: in vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, enzymes, flavenoids, polysaccharides/glyconutrients, superfood ingredients like chlorophyl and pure water can cause individuals to become nervous and tense, drained and hyper.


All of the above are checked out clinically by taking a history and examining  the child.  I check up on every step from conception to present day, followed by a detailed hair analysis to find out what deficiencies and toxins are present. Details about behaviour are also taken into consideration. Iridology, blood, urine, saliva and kinesiology may also be looked into. Finding the cause of ADHD etc involves lots of detective work on my part.

Here is a list of elements often deficient in people with these conditions:



Allergies, infections and toxins


Omega 3,6 or 9 – essential fatty acids





Ginkgo Biloba, Bacopa, Brahmi, Ginseng, Aswaganda and various other brain and concentration tonic herbs.  Nerve relaxant herbs like chamomile valerian passiflora, skullcap, ladies slipper, hops, have kawa, lavender and many others


L-Glutamine and L-Glutamic Acid

L-Tryptophan or 5 HTP

L – Theanine

L – Valine

Lithium Orotate

B Complex

Vitamin C

Calcium and magnesium





B6 (P5P)

L – Carnitine

Acetyl – L – Carnitine






Magnesium and Potassium Aspartate

L – Isoleucine, L-Leucine, L – Cysteine

L – Methionine


L – Glutathione

Calcium Pantothenate








Pycnogenol/pine bark extract and grape seed extract.



Various homeopathic remedies tailored to suit the individual

Note I have not given any dose suggestions regarding supplements because it involves looking at the big picture at all times while dealing with minute details.




Top Foods for ADHD:

Additive free, unprocessed foods.

Foods high in B vitamins.


First meal of the day should be green plants and protein.

Foods to Avoid:

Sugar and foods made with or containing sugar.

Gluten and most grains

Cows milk and foods containing cows milk or made from it.

Food colouring and dyes.



Nitrates found in many processed meats and canned foods.

Artificial sweeteners.


All allergens and foods not well tolerated.

Salicylate and phenol containing foods must be eaten in very small amounts.


Check all basic vitamins and minerals for deficiency or excess.

GLA                                            100—1000mg daily.

Krill Oil                                     500—2000mg daily

Fish Oil                                      500—5000mg daily

5HTP                                          100—500mg daily.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine. Helps memory and concentration.

L-Glutamine.                              500—5000mg daily for leaky gut.

Digestive enzymes.

DMAE. Helps concentration, neuro impulse transmission and is an antidepressant.

Magnesium Glycinate and spray on Magnesium

Probiotics to restore the Gut to proper function.

Iron Formula or floradix.

Calcium Glycinate                     250—-2000mg.

Magnesium Glycinate               500—3000mg daily plus spray on magnesium if still stressed.

GABA                                      750—5000mg daily. Calms the body and mind

Pycnogenol or Grapeseed extract-100—5000mg. Antioxidants that protect the brain and nervous system+help with allergies.

Quercetin                                 500—2000mgdaily. Helps with allergies and is antioxidant.

Phosphatidylserine                   as per label. Balances neurotransmitters in the brain. Antidepression.

Phosphatidyl Choline               as per label.

Vitamin C                                 500—10000mg according to bowel tolerance.

Zinc Picolinate.                         10—60mg daily.

B complex.

The adult or the childs Methylation status must be balanced, or the results could be poor. This together with gut/digestive health are essential basics with this tendency. The supplements for balancing methylation are in the article undermethlyation vs overmethylation. This will determine whether to use SAMe or TMG as well as what B vitamins are needed.

.Treating chronic allergies/rhinitis: astragalus, nettle leaf, elder flower and peppermint tea, ginkgo, plantain leaf, aniseed, fenugreek, ginger and licorice. Vitamins A, C and E, GLA, Zinc lozenges, bioflavanoids, B complex, calcium and magnesium.

Nutrition is very important with these conditions. Allergies/reactions/intolerance to grasses,pollens, dust, grains, sugars, yeasts, dairy, soya and the salicylate and phenol families of foods come up regularly

Mixed allergens homeopathic drops.

Anaemia: nettle, yellow dock, chlorophyll, dandelion root, alfalfa, burdock, artichoke and rehmannia, cherries, apricots, leafy greens, dulse, kelp, molasses, red meat, turkey, liver.

Anxiety: chamomile, lemon balm, valerian, wood betony, blue vervain, skullcap, oat (avena sativa), ashwaganda, motherwort, ginseng, zizyphus seed, longan berries, ligustrum, poria, angelica root, catnip, astragalus and atractylodes.

Chronic colds and ENT infections: Echinacea root, garlic, astragalus, shitake mushrooms, calendula, thyme, elder flowers/peppermint, yarrow, aniseed, catnip and golden seal.

Depression: oats/avena sativa, ginkgo, lemon balm, skullcap, ashwaganda, St Johns wort, zizyphus, vitamins B and C.

Fatigue: ginkgo, ginseng, ashwaganda, schisandra, licorice, nettle, kelp, gotu kola.

Gut inflammation: licorice, marshmallow root, chamomile, nettles, yarrow, aniseed, dandelion root, wild yam, Oregon grape root.

Forgetfulness: ginkgo, bacopa, gotu kola, ginseng, lemon balm, ashwaganda, basil, rosemary, valerian, avena sativa, lecithin, B12, DMAE, L-Glutamine, L-Phenylalanine and L-Taurine.

Hearing Problems: Treat colds and infections first. Mullein leaf, angelica, elder flowers, catnip, aniseed, citrus peel, licorice.

Hormonal Changes in Teens: dandelion, nettle, blue vervain, burdock root, wood betony, chaste tree.

Liver/Endocrine: sassafras root bark, sarsaparilla, dandelion, licorice root, cinnamon bark, ginger root, yellow dock root, hops, pau d arco, chaste tree berries, wild yam root, yellow dock root.

Hyperactivity: avena sativa, chamomile, skullcap, lavender, lemon balm, wood betony, ginkgo, California poppy, valerian, hops, lime flowers, passiflora, wild lettuce.

Irritability; bupleurum root, dandelion root, milk thistle, wild yam, Oregon grape root, cyperus, dong quai, peony root, fennel seed, lyceum fruit, green citrus peel.

Worms/Parasites: raw garlic, grapefruit seed extract, black walnut.

Tension: Black cohosh, black haw, cramp bark internally + spray on magnesium externally


Body acidification, heavy metal toxicity, inflammation, hormonal imbalances, hayfever and candida/mold sensitivity often accompany ADD/ADHD/Hyperactivity.

Because it is such a complex condition, it takes a lot of skill to work with these children. There are inevitable ups and downs. There is a time to press forward with treatment and a time to pull back. The satisfying part for me is to eventually see these people set free from being drugged up or wired and able to function at their best.





Endocrine Disruption:

  What part does this play in nervous disorders or any other health problem for that matter.                                                                                                                                                                                  

Plastics are not totally inert.  Many hold distinct dangers because of the chemical mixtures that provide their special properties of hardness or flexibility.  Some of the chemicals are known hormone disruptors that mimic the natural properties of the inbuilt signalling system, the endocrine systems of all living creatures, including humans.  These chemicals have devastating impacts on life.  Hormones work in exquisitely tiny amounts, often measured in parts per billion.  The often massive doses of chemicals present in some plastics provoke exaggerated physical and metabolic reactions with serious impacts.  This includes that human sperm counts have dropped alarmingly over the past few years.   These chemicals have long term impacts like causing certain cancers.  The effect is multigenerational.  A mother exposed to certain chemicals in plastics may pass the risk of cancer on to her children.  Plastic also carries significant environmental costs and risks.  In the sea, microscopic particles of degraded plastic have the same hormone disrupting impact on oceanic micro – organisms such as plankton and algae and fish as they have on humans.

Off course marine plastic flotsam and jetsam also presents a direct risk through being eaten by whales, sharks, turtles, seabirds and fish, often killing them.  When you next see a dead bird on the beach you may find plastic blocking up its digestive tract.  This occurs throughout the food chain.


PET – antimony trioxide leaches can cause menstrual problems

HDPE – stable but do not heat with food

PVC – medical tubing, wire and cable insulation, pipes, flooring, carpet backing, window frames

DEHP and BBZP are endocrine disruptors mimicking the female hormone oestrogen.  Plasticisers added to PVC may cause certain types of cancer.

LDPE – stable for most uses – do not heat with food

Polypropylene or Margarine tubs and yogurt containers, medicine bottles, oil bottles for food, thought to be safe – stable for food uses.  2 disagree……

PS – Polystyrene – fruit, veg, fish, meat packaging, insulation, cups, plates, egg cartons – an endocrine disruptor, mimicking the female hormone oestrogen and …… has the potential to cause serious reproductive and de4velopmental issues.

Apart from the cancer threat, I suspect that minute particles of polystyrene circulating in the bloodstream cause heart attacks.  That has been proven to be so in animals and we ignore the threat to humans.

Unspecified mixed plastic compounds – polycarbonate a hard plastic that was used in baby bottles, food containers, compact discs, call phones, car parts, toys, toothbrushes, computers etc. – Bisphenol A is an endocrine disruptor that mimics the female hormone oestrogen.  Bisphenol A is also used to line metal food cans and  uice and cool drink containers.  It causes decreased sperm production in males, accelerated rate of growth, sex reversal in animals and perhaps humans, early onset of puberty and chromosome damage in female ovaries.

Plastics are both useful and dangerous.  As a material it must be manufactured, handled, used and disposed of properly.    Certain types of plastic should not be used for heating foods or in microwaves.  Others should not be used for storing fats or oils.  They should all be disposed of with particular care and not just thrown into a landfill.

Do not burn or overheat any plastic – the fumes are almost certainly toxic in one way or another.  Be very careful what plastics you use in microwaves.

Read disruptor and Book:  “ Our stolen Future” by Thea Coldburn and John Myers and disruptors.