Your Personal Vision
This is a wonderful affirmation that can be used to retrain your mind for health and well being. It is also a powerful statement of personal vision. When you look at any area of your life that you want to change and focus on a desired outcome, you are exercising the power of your vision. Having a goal or a vision of something that you want to create helps you to stay creative and healthy. If used wisely, your vision can keep you motivated and growing. It may keep you alive if you suffer from a life threatening disease.
The combination of a personal vision that is forward looking, creative and optimistic with a will to take the practical steps necessary to make that vision a reality is perhaps the most powerful key to a life that is meaningful and fulfilling. Your vision is your ticket to the future. It’s your guiding light. Hold your vision to your heart and it will steer you through thick and thin, move you in the right direction,energize you and deliver you a new reality. A good idea is to start with a happy ending. See the end product in all its glory.
Do you tend to enter a new program, venture or relationship without any idea of where you want it to go. You know what you don’t want, but have you ever stopped to define what you do want? What you focus on in your mind expands in your experience. Rowan Atkinson( aka Mr Bean) plans every detail of his films before he starts shooting. He sees the finished product, then starts at the beginning, knowing where he is heading. This is the exact opposite of being flaky.
There is a difference between vision and fantasy. Fantasy exists solely in the mind. Its very nature is unreality. Reality can often be fantastic, but fantasy can never be real. On the other hand, dreams can come true. You can evolve a vision of your life and step into that vision, become a visionary and manifest a reality that reflects your vision. What is your vision of? Is it of a happy life, losing weight, being drug free, being a non smoker, having more wealth and money, improved health and healing, career, finding a job, starting your own company or getting that qualification? Start towards your goal with a vision of its end, how it will look in reality, happy ending and all. Once you do that, you can take the necessary steps to achieve those ends. Without your vision, you are walking in the dark, groping for solutions that you have no faith in. We all need a dream to hitch our lucky stars to.
A vision is just a vision without doing a lot of work. You still have to take massive action as it is often referred to.In order not to run out of steam before you get going, I like to process the vision and refresh it daily with affirmations and EFT/tapping. You may also write out the affirmations before you tap or while you tapping. Here are some affirmation examples:
- I am a visionary at heart.
- My faith in the future is greater than my regrets about the past.
- I have a vision God guides me towards.
- My vision is now clear.
- I can see my future.
- I now release all fantasies and desires to escape.
- I forgive myself for hiding in fantasy in order to avoid reality.
- My reality is fantastic.
- Miracles abound in my life.
- I have more than enough time to realize my vision.
- My vision keeps me youthful.
- I never compromise my vision.
- I accept the process my vision guides me through.
- I am committed to making my dream come true.
- My vision is exciting to dwell on.
- My vision is a source of great energy and excitement.
You can tap and write and affirm for 15 minutes for example once a day. You can even do so two or three times a day. In between times let it all go. Let go. Let God is one way of seeing it that works. Obsessing about something is likely to sabotage it. If you have to obsess, obsess about your trust in the Law of Attraction. The trap of thinking about something 24/7 shows impatience and or doubt that it will come about. Direct your energy thereafter to gratitude for the oh so many things in your life.
So do the work and let go in complete faith and trust.