Rockefeller-Carnegie Medicine vs. Natural Medicine.

4 min read  · 

Rockefeller-Carnegie Medicine vs. Natural Medicine.

I am not a confrontational person, but I never back down from a challenge. I frequently embrace the opportunity to debate, and I will debate anyone over anything. Debate helps one challenge their own internal store of knowledge while also offering an opportunity of growth for all individuals involved. All of this, of course, wholly depends on if the participant has an open mind. I have discovered through my willingness to engage that many do not.

This is most evident when you take the debate to those educated in the Rockefeller-Carnegie school of medicine. They are right, you are wrong, and there is no debate on the subject.

From my understanding, based on everything that I have read and watched, there is still a lack of evidence to suggest that a “virus” (a non-living packet of information) causes disease. Where some claim there is evidence to suggest that this may be the case, others such as Dr. Andrew Kaufman explain, rather eloquently, that correlation does not equal causation. And then they back it up with their own conclusions derived from their own research.

When it comes to this discussion, it is worthy to consider the evolution of what we call modern medicine and why those indoctrinated through the American Medical Association (AMA) believe they are right and everybody else is wrong.  The Rockefeller-Carnegie school of religion, oops school of thought, paints alternative medicine as “quack medicine” because it doesn’t align with the dictates of the “professionals” who preach their version of “medical science” in order to make large sums of money. Also, they can’t turn a massive profit off natural healing.

There will always be pushback against the Rockefeller-Carnegie school of thought. Researching it, it becomes evident that Rockefeller philanthropy was anything but and was founded on the premise that there was no money to be made in natural medicines or cures because, they claimed, they were ineffective. That modus operandi is patently false. Natural medicines cannot be patented and that’s their problem.

If you think nature is ineffective, go and take a walk through a forest and observe everything that you see. It wouldn’t be there for you to experience if it wasn’t effective. Beneath each tree and plant is a network of roots that continually exchange microbes with each other in a communal way to sustain growth and development and maintain proper nourishment. That is the natural way and it is incredibly efficient.

From my understanding, the foundation for the AMA is built on the premise that nature is less efficient than a toxic combination of chemical cocktails that emerged from a lab and are packaged in a factory using cheap labour that eventually evolved into automation. This mentality has dictated every development of theirs coming thereafter.

The evolution of the AMA was controlled through finance, where those that played the game reaped the rewards and those who didn’t went broke and were discredited through the control of medical publications. If you consider, our experience is one of relativity and we are inclined to believe that which has been relative to our own education when the other side, or other narratives, are never mentioned thus never discussed.

So how, without reasonable debate, can one be so sure that those who come from that education model are right and everybody else is wrong? This is a fair question. Those of us looking at the other data have to contend with those who were educated in a way in which alternative information was excluded. There is no critical thinking if there is no challenge and no debate, just indoctrination, and many in the mainstream practice of medicine are by this way indoctrinated and believe that they are right and everybody else is wrong.

While I appreciate a debate, there is no debate about covid. The medical authorities do the thinking. No one else has a valid opinion. Nevertheless the official party line changes its own opinion about masks etc frequently. Must I just believe them and their flip flopping simply because they say that I am wrong and they are right. That is exactly the mentality those indoctrinated in that school of thought express in, well, just about everything that they do and say. They have the cheek to say “Trust the science” as they keep changing their narrative. They don’t like a challenge. To them it is simple. You are wrong. They are right. You are a stupid slave, ‘now do as you are told’. End of story.

With the rise of Naturopathic medicine, the financial means by which industries in big medicine, such as big pharma, depend on is challenged by the evidence that natural cures work: that nature and thus natural treatments and the body have a symbiotic relationship that cannot be denied or replaced by chemical combinations.

A pill-for-an-ill can kill. Nature intends to grow, preserve, and persevere. These are just the facts.. Treat the system of the person and disease will be very much weakened or eliminated.

Normally at this point in the conversation, one might suggest that chemical treatments have their place. I, however, will not. Because of this, I have been labeled a threat, an idiot, one who believes in quack science, and a believer in snake-oil. Many who level these claims have never even tried alternative medicine.

That is fine because, in my experience, pharmaceuticals nearly killed me. I was saved by natural treatments. This is a fact. Perhaps once a year I see a person who may need a hospital intervention or cortisone or an antibiotic. All the rest experience the body healing itself. You may need herbs, correct diet and supplements because the body needs healing ingredients in order to do its job.

But the other side just won’t hear it. They won’t debate on the subject. Of course, not all doctors are like this. I know of many who were indoctrinated in the Rockefeller-Carnegie school of thought but, with time, catalyst, a willingness, and an open mind, embraced Naturopathic medicine. This is commendable, for it is a lot of work. Not only did they spend their effort (and money) learning one school of thought, but challenged their own knowledge and went about learning an entirely new way of medicine.

Even David de Rothschild is a Naturopath. I found that interesting given the intimate historical familial ties between the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.

Kudos to you people out there who have grown and evolved along this route. I know that it wasn’t easy, as the “other-side” is thoroughly entrenched with a massive army ensconced behind fortified walls, ready to be unleashed when any challenge to their doctrine is made, with both the power and money to discredit anyone that threatens their profit lines. They won’t debate you, because they are right and you are wrong. Their lord and master, John D. Rockefeller, made it so.

We are part of nature. Nature heals. Follow that line of thought.